Our Services

Elevate Your Life with Systemic Life Coaching for Expatrientrepreneurs and Coaches

Elevate your life with personalized systemic life coaching for expatrientrepreneurs and coaches

Are you an expatriate entrepreneur or coach seeking a profound transformation in your personal and professional life?

Our personalized systemic life coaching program empowers expatrientrepreneurs and coaches to unlock their full potential, embrace their life's purpose, and achieve lasting success.

Discover how to lead a fulfilling life aligned with your unique vision

1. Define Your Vision and Purpose: Start your transformative journey by defining your life's vision and uncovering your true purpose.

2. Personal and Professional Fulfillment: Craft a tailored roadmap to achieve personal and professional fulfillment, in harmony with your core values.

3. Stress Mastery and Work-Life Balance: Master stress, regain balance, and find tranquility in both your personal and professional life.

4. Self-Confidence and Motivation: Cultivate unwavering self-confidence, reignite motivation, and achieve your aspirations.

5. Nurturing Meaningful Relationships: Develop exceptional interpersonal skills to build deep and meaningful connections.

6. Thriving Through Change: Navigate transitions with resilience and grace, both personally and professionally.

7. Goal Achievement: Identify and conquer your goals, guided by your passions and values.

8. Spiritual Enrichment: Embark on a spiritual journey to find meaning and inner harmony.

9. Uncover Your True Self: Explore self-discovery to unveil your passions, values, and life's purpose.

10. Informed Decision-Making: Develop keen decision-making skills aligned with your authentic self.

11. Crafting an Aligned Life: Create a harmonious life resonating with your aspirations and values.

Our Methodology:

  • Comprehensive Assessment: Begin with an in-depth assessment of your current life, vision, and purpose.

  • Vision and Purpose Unveiling: Embark on a transformative journey to uncover your life's vision and purpose.

  • Tailored Coaching Sessions: Benefit from personalized coaching sessions designed for your unique transformation.

  • Continuous Guidance: Our dedicated support ensures your enduring success throughout your transformative journey.

Are you ready to unlock your life's full potential, both personally and professionally?

Join our personalized systemic life coaching program today and embark on a profound transformation. Don't miss this opportunity to live your life aligned with your vision and purpose. Act now and elevate your life to new heights!

Our coaching methodology is deeply rooted in systemic principles, seamlessly blending transactional analysis, classic coaching tools, and powerful NLP techniques.

  • Coaching One-shot

    60 min. | 149 €  excl.btw

  • Coaching 5 sessions

    2 months. |  790 €  incl.btw or 3 instalments of 299 €

  • Coaching 10 sessions

    3 months. | 1390 €  incl.btw or 3 instalments of 505 €

Our Trusted Clients

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